‘Tis Beginning to Look a lot like Christmas!

It is officially December, so that means no work for some days, fruit cake, Christmas decorations, merry making, wine drinking and family loving! I love this season. It is by far the best season of the year. I am not a serial merry maker; you know, like those people who start playing carols from October (Oneka!) and go over the top with decorations and gift giving etc… I can’t stand those people, like chill already, we all love Christmas… relax!

When the season begins, you feel it in the air, the time just changes, it looks prettier and for some reason; you feel happier with a heightened sense of community and kindness. People paint their houses, bushes and shrubs get fresh pruning, commercial buildings become overrun with lights and garlands, it’s like they went to the store, bought all the decorations they had and hung all of them at once!…it’s ridiculous!…People become overzealous and start shopping like crazy, stores become cunning and hike their prices, people suddenly realize that they must buy everything they lay their eyes on!

In Jamaica, Christmas is the best. We make Sorrel, the most delicious drink you could have; fruit cake that is laced with wine, one slice equates to a glass of wine (at least my fruit cake 🙂 ); Grand Market, which is the day before Christmas. Grand Market is a big shopping, wears pedaling, and fun-having day. Town centers are blocked off to all traffic, people dress to the nine, stay out till wee hours of the morning, walk up and down, buying food and trinkets for kids. It’s a day to chill and have fun with your friends and family.

As crazy and over the top as is all sounds, without the fuss and overindulgence, Christmas would be just as lame as Easter (not taking away from the meaning), it wouldn’t be as magical, special and exciting as it is…

So what are your plans for Christmas?

Hope you Enjoyed 😀

2 responses to “‘Tis Beginning to Look a lot like Christmas!”

  1. Christmas was good overall, I traveled and just chilled & relaxed with family! I remember the traffic downtown with everybody doing their Christmas shopping, my goodness, it was certainly quite a scene. Its a nice buzz with Christmas in the air and mmm the food lol nothing like some good good food! I’m looking forward to Easter because I want some bun & cheese!!


    • Christmas is by far, my favorite time of the year. It has that feeling, that ability to make you feel good and alive as if you are actually living!…I love it…Easter on the other hand, is not so exciting, i don’t really like bun and cheese….but enjoy!


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